A Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report estimates that the State and Local Cybersecurity Act of 2019 (S. 1846) would cost the government $31 million to implement between 2019 and 2024.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation on July 25 that amends state data breach law by imposing more expansive data security and data breach notification requirements on companies.
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction has partnered with Sandy Hook Promise to deliver an application system in which middle and high school students can anonymously report safety threats.
New York City is introducing the NYC Benefits Screening Application Programming Interface (API), which will connect eligibility criteria data for social service programs to technology that will help residents learn about potential public benefits, such as SNAP, Cash Assistance, and the Housing Efficiency Assistance Program.
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker filed legislation to spend $1.1 billion in state-wide capital projects for IT upgrades on April 11.
State governments are facing increasing difficulties in recruiting and retaining top talent to their agencies, in part because of eroding confidence in what has long been seen as the mainstay benefits of government employment, according to a recent Accenture study.
The city of Los Angeles will move from local to state IT infrastructure in accordance with switching its mainframe to the California Department of Technology (CDT) State Data Center mainframe.
On Wednesday, Philadelphia’s city commissioners approved the purchase of a new voting system that should be in place for the 2020 election cycle. The new system, according to a statement from the state government, has “updated standards for security, auditability, and accessibility.”