Six states–Arizona, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, Rhode Island, and Virginia–are participating in a learning lab on improving the use of data to drive efficient decision-making in policymaking, the National Governors Association announced.

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers issued a “planning guide” to help states deal with a cyber disruption. Cyber disruption response planning is essential, the report said: “Ignore at your own peril.”

In the wake of a rash of fatal shootings of unarmed black youths by police officers, a 50-state, nonprofit cooperative purchasing group known as NASPO ValuePoint is about to issue an RFP for public safety video equipment that will include body-worn cameras for police officers for the first time. “We do believe we get better value through the NASPO value contracts by utilizing multiple-states buying power,” said Christopher Hughes, assistant director of the Utah Division of Purchasing.

IT workers are among the unsung heroes of the transportation industry, and cybersecurity is a growing issue, according to participants in a panel on women in transportation leadership, hosted by Transurban.

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