The City of Philadelphia’s Parks and Recreation Department dispatched two employees six months ago to hike the city’s 223 miles of public parks and photograph the trails with a Google Trekker device.

The city of Atlanta is one of 60 partners joining the Department of Energy’s Better Communities Alliance and is committed to delivering energy efficient and sustainable solutions.

U.S. cities with higher populations are more likely to rank smart city initiatives as a high or medium priority, according to a survey recently released by the International City/County Management Association and the Smart Cities Council.

City governments are looking to build their own broadband networks in order to have the infrastructure in place for the upgrade to 5G technology.

The Miami-Dade County Police Department is spending at least $2.6 million to deploy ShotSpotter, a technology that detects the sound of gunshots through sensors, after an unsuccessful pilot trial in 2013.

It wouldn’t be very hard for a hacker to access U.S. election systems, according to a recent report by the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology, titled “Hacking Elections is Easy.” “Every four years, during the presidential election, the same stories re-emerge acknowledging that the e-voting systems are vulnerable to the same old attacks, without any change in the security or oversight of the systems,” James Scott and Drew Spaniel write in the report.

Despite hacks against the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and the Arizona and Illinois voter databases, many state and industry officials feel confident in the security of elections systems in the upcoming election.

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