Flint Waters, the chief information officer of Wyoming, is leaving public service on Sept. 23 to join Google in early October. Since 2011, Waters has helped the state transition from state-owned data centers to Google’s cloud services.


The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation will mobilize 911 emergency services at the insistence of the Federal Communications Commission

A Blue Ribbon Panel recently gave 10 scientific recommendations most likely to make progress against cancer in the next five years under the Cancer Moonshot Program. The National Cancer Institute Acting Director Douglas Lowy accepted the recommendations from the panel.

As policing methods come increasingly under fire by the public, cities across the country are looking to digital methods to improve outcomes and bolster public trust. By 2030, the typical North American city will rely heavily on Artificial Intelligence technologies for public safety and security, according to a recent report from Stanford University.

Smart cities are getting a bit brighter with Verizon’s recent acquisition of Sensity Systems, an Internet of Things startup that provides smart LED lights for streets, airports, malls, and more.

As the Internet of Things becomes increasingly prevalent, the government will play an important role in enabling and regulating how the industry will develop, according to panelists at a National Telecommunications and Information Administration workshop. They listed a number of areas in which that advice can take shape.

Delta Air Lines is investing $50 million to end lost or delayed luggage with a global RFID, or radio-frequency identification, tracking system. Essentially, the RFID tag will attach to the bag the same as current luggage tags, but instead of telling airlines where to send the bag if lost, it’ll work to prevent the bag from ever being misplaced. Delta plans to have the system online in 344 airports this fall.

U.S. states are some of the largest employers in the country, so it only stands to reason that they are and can be some of the most influential advocates of preventive medicine and wellness programs for Americans.

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