The winner of the Smart City Challenge will be announced this month. Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Transportation announced it will provide up to $40 million to one city’s “Smart City” efforts, fully integrating innovative technologies into its transportation network–from self-driving and connected vehicles to smart sensors. The seven finalists selected in April from […]

Teachers are increasingly focused on bringing technology into the classroom, yet neither Democrat Hillary Clinton nor Republican Donald Trump, the presumptive presidential candidates, even mention the word technology in their K-12 education platforms. According to a recent study by Edgenuity, a provider of online and blended learning services, 91 percent of teachers agree with the statement: […]

Students are directed to go online for schoolwork, and corporations are reaping the benefits by subjecting these students to targeted marketing. The National Education Policy Center’s (NEPC) 18th Annual Report on Schoolhouse Commercialism Trends, “Learning to be Watched: Surveillance Culture at School,” examines how “the policies that enable and encourage these practices connect today’s children and adolescents […]

Data breaches are costing the health care industry an estimated $6.2 billion, with 89% of organizations represented in a new study by the Ponemon Institute having experienced a data breach in the past two years and 45% reporting more than five breaches in the same time period. The Sixth Annual Benchmark Study on Privacy & […]

State-Federal collaboration is going to be essential in combating state and local cyber threats, according to witnesses at a cybersecurity congressional hearing on Tuesday. “States have constantly ranked their cyber capabilities among the lowest capabilities,” said Rep. Dan Donovan, R-N.Y. “What is preventing us from reaching an appropriate level of cybersecurity?” “This has to be […]

With the school year drawing to a close, avoiding the dreaded summer slide is on the minds of parents and teachers alike. On average, students lose two months of academic achievement over the summer. To prevent any learning loss, it’s key to keep students’ minds engaged with educational and fun applications. Here are the top teacher […]

For the first time, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released the Medicare standardized payment amount, which makes Medicare payments across all geographic areas comparable. The information was part of the third annual release May 5 of the Physician and Other Supplier Utilization and Payment public use data. The data set contains […]

The increasing sophistication of cyberattacks and the emerging threat of ransomware are placing a new premium not only on high-level technical skills but on bold, effective leadership. “Each day, the cyber threat landscape changes, and our attackers are unrelenting,” said Rob Potter, vice president of the Americas for Symantec. Cyber leadership must face these evolving threats […]

Congress has passed an appropriations bill to fund increased medical care for military veterans–particularly women–a burgeoning contingent of the vet population. The fiscal year 2017 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill, passed April 18 by the House and May 19 by the Senate, proposes to increase VA appropriations to $74.9 billion–an increase […]

Big data has the potential to both increase and decrease discrimination based on the ethics of its use, according to speakers at the Ford Foundation Fairness by Design event. “Not using the data has highly discriminatory practices,” said U.S. chief data scientist DJ Patil in his keynote address at the event. Julie Brill, a partner […]

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