During the process of creating the Colorado Trail Explorer, an interactive open data map providing information on 17,000 trails, Colorado’s Department for Parks and Wildlife sent out a call for information from all 221 of the state’s trail managers. The map, launched on June 2, contains data submissions from 90 of those managers.
AT&T was awarded a $6.5 billion contract to build and operate the nationwide network FirstNet. However, the legislation that authorizes FirstNet also authorizes a state to develop its own alternative on the spectrum carved out for the network, as long as the alternative is interoperable with the FirstNet core.
Money is the single biggest barrier to local governments achieving the highest levels of cybersecurity. From not being able to pay competitive salaries to an insufficient number of cybersecurity staff, local governments are unable to deliver cybersecurity protection because their budgets don’t match their tasks.
By Aug. 31, all of the 8,000 taxicabs in the District of Columbia will have digital meters instead of hard-wired analog meters.
NASPO ValuePoint selected CGI to provide cloud-based enterprise resource planning tech to states through NASPO ValuePoint’s procurement initiative.
In an effort to improve efficiency and lower barriers to entry, South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard recently launched the nation’s first paperless pardon process. Individuals seeking clemency can now use an online portal to fill out the necessary forms.
Maryland’s Department of Transportation and State Highway Administration launched e-Road Ready Projects, a live GIS map portraying major projects that have the potential to create congestion.
The city of Dubai is planning to make robots 25 percent of its police force by 2030, which would enable better communication between police and tourists.
Three years ago the state of Illinois ranked in the last quartile of states when it came to using IT efficiently. After two years on the job Hardik Bhatt, the state’s CIO, has transformed Illinois.
How can data and technology improve the quality of life for New York City youth, seniors, and immigrants? That’s the question that NYC BigApps is trying to answer. The annual app competition encourages designers, developers, academics, entrepreneurs, and New Yorkers to develop apps that that leverage data and technology to solve issues related to transportation, […]