
The State of Maryland Department of Human Services (DHS) is making big strides in a two-year campaign to create an AWS-powered technology environment that will integrate the state’s health and human service applications to more effectively deliver services to state residents.

By Andrew Graf, Chief Product Strategist, TeamDynamix IT shops in the public sector often find themselves spinning their proverbial wheels when it comes to advancing their most strategic and important priorities. Resources are extremely tight, requests regularly exceed these limits, and leaders seldom have the luxury of dedicating specific resources full time to critical modernization […]

The Tennessee Department of Human Services (DHS) is redefining customer service at the state level, following a state-wide process improvement and modernization initiative. 

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction has partnered with Sandy Hook Promise to deliver an application system in which middle and high school students can anonymously report safety threats.


New York City is introducing the NYC Benefits Screening Application Programming Interface (API), which will connect eligibility criteria data for social service programs to technology that will help residents learn about potential public benefits, such as SNAP, Cash Assistance, and the Housing Efficiency Assistance Program.

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